Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mahya's Favorite Fruits of Beauty

Mahya’s Favorite Fruits of Beauty

Mahya’s #1 Fruit: Apples!

Come on ladies! Apples are not just for great fruit salads or items to throw at your men….they also serve great purpose when it comes to beauty. An apple can really make your hair shine and give it great beauty when used as a conditioner. Not only that but when used as a toner, it cleanses the face from oil excess dirt and oil without the harsh smell that most toners have. This beauty tip is not new but has been known to man for centuries now. With all the skin products out there and science, it’s hard to just keep beauty simple but with Mahya Cosmetics you can easily inhabit great all natural beauty products or at least read our blog on how to use fruit too! A couple more tips that come from apples are: breathe freshener (apple juice), (apple juice) when applied to your scalp can prevent dandruff, and apples are filled with pectin - essential for fighting the dreaded acne!

Mahya’s #2 Fruit: Lemons!

So sour and yummy to us all, lemons is most common sense to be used as a beauty treatment. Most people already know they can use lemons to cleanse and freshen the skin and hair, and to use lemon slices to soften rough skin spots such as elbows and heels. What you may not know is that by putting lemon slices and mix a few teaspoons of lemon juice in your bath, it helps deodorize and you will feel fresh the whole day. Also know that like apple juice, lemon juice can be added to your favorite cleanser or shampoo to refresh and tone your scalp, along by preventing dandruff. What some blondes have done before is use lemon for naturally bleaching their hair. Lemons can help to fade out dark spots and acne scars too!

Mahya’s #3 Fruit: Bananas!

Oh yes! Finally, a fruit that is neither sour nor hard to eat, the banana! Like other fruits listed, this one is great for skin and hair. They are rich in protein, obtain natural fats, and can be used on all skin types. An easy facemask that will make your skin soft and fresh is mashed banana that you can apply all over your skin and leave it on for 20 minutes, rinse off with warm water and moisturize after that. Try not to eat it right away ladies! Although, mashed banana also makes a wonderful hair conditioner (when mixed with a 1 tablespoon of honey), I don’t think many women are brave enough to put honey in their hair. This beautiful yellow fruit we call bananas servers a great purpose in keeping hair beautiful, even if dyed regularly.

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